turns 15!

Welcome at OJC Vannes !
Most of the arrivals are on Monday morning, except for a few colleagues (notably the Swedish team) who will have already arrived the day before, and some who arrive in the afternoon. You can find the schedule of arrivals and departures here.
We will make a tour of the premises to show you the different workstations you will be assigned for the week. We are not planning any meetings or training sessions on Monday, to give everyone time to arrive and meet up!
At the same time, we will take the opportunity to take the profile photos of those already present. A schedule of the order of appearance will be communicated and posted the same day.
Lunch break! We will order lunch at the office. All employees are OJC's guests, including those from Vannes. In order to simplify the logistics, we will contact you the week before your arrival to find out your choice of meal.
If you have allergies, please let us know by email: 15years@ojc-consulting.com
We are not planning anything on Monday as we want to give you time to arrive and settle in. You will be able to take time to discover the new premises and to work.
Free time! Those who wish can go to dinner on the port of Vannes.
Remote employees are invited by OJC and can therefore declare expense for their meal. Vannes employees who join the group for dinner will also be invited by OJC.